
INFLOR sponsors leading forest management event in the United States

Proud supporters of the Society of American Foresters 2020 National Convention

Following on from the successful establishment of INFLOR’s new U.S. headquarters, we’re proud to announce our sponsorship of one of the country’s leading forest management events: the Society of American Foresters 2020 National Convention.

For the first time in 120 years, the SAF National Convention will be virtual! On October 29–31, the nation’s leading forest service providers and industry professionals will come together at SAF2020 for thought-provoking educational sessions and speakers.

We will be joining these industry leaders and hosting a virtual booth at SAF2020, where participants can visit us to learn more about INFLOR’s forest management solutions and technology services.

“The SAF National Convention is one of the most important conventions for the forest sector, and we are very excited to be part of it,” says Antonio Carlos Tatagiba, CEO of INFLOR in the United States.

“This is the first year we’ll be participating. It’s a fantastic opportunity to connect with other forestry experts and to demonstrate how our solutions can help people and producers. We look forward to (virtually) meeting you at this leading forest management event in October!”

We would like to thank the Society of American Foresters for welcoming INFLOR to participate in this forest management event, and we look forward to more partnerships and sponsorship opportunities in the future.

You can learn more about SAF2020 here


As a leader in bio-asset management with more than 20 years of experience, INFLOR supports people and producers. We welcome you to explore our full suite of solutions.

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Image: Society of American Foresters.

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